
Showing posts from January, 2009

words might appear more amusing than they actually are

I was out of sorts today at work despite sleep, despite breakfast and caffeine, despite feeling alright at first light. So I tried to amuse myself out of this funk by being random around D who's desk resides next to mine. I start by standing up at my desk. "Ugh I'm fat." said to no one in particular as I rub circles over my stomach. "No. You're not fat." my co-worker auto responds; She doesn't even look up from her work. "Ok, maybe not fat...but I have a pot belly and this isn't Pulp Fiction" ::crickets:: This might have gone over better if I had chosen someone that did not just moved into the US from Bolivia. Or not.
I broke even in Las Vegas this weekend but as Libra I'm not really surprised by this. We also found a TV in our mirror which was weird. As we did the usual walk around the strip avoiding drunks and the card wielding men with mini billboards strapped to their backs, I had trouble describing the appeal of this city to B. To be honest, Vegas is not for everyone, and even I have grown bored with the doucheness of it all these days. Maybe this is why all I'll remember is our trip down the fake Venice canals, or watching the fountains from our window, and mostly our salt lake bed stop at the bottom of Zyzzyx road. Sometimes it's the trip. Sometimes it's the destination. .

some sundays

When the heat comes in before the mid of January one Sunday morning, you'll decide that a visit to the Getty Villa was in order. It was a wasting time visit so we wasted time on the patio eating from the cafe, with table service and excellent dishes that voided the sunburn we received in that hour. I could eat there every weekend under umbrellas, behind sunglasses and fronting the Pacific Ocean. Canyon winds would be my welcomed afternoon guest as we breezed through the galleries and gardens, then past the fair young lady with book, with yellow dress reading by the reflecting pool. Thought it rude to snap her picture but one could have painted her stillness that day. And when it's time to go (though it is always time to go) you promised your guests that if a spot was open that you'll park along Highway 1 so stones could be skipped and then sand brushed off clothes in the back seat. The beach will greet you when leaving for work the next morning and your side...
Before the year ended and the fog came to winter in the LA region last week, I spent time up in the Big Orange Balloon again. This time it was just with my son as my daughter remained back at the Ex preparing her birthday sleep over. I've been here before, up 500 feet maybe once a month or so, as I embrace the other part of my life I never blog about. These weekends may been seen only as fragments, cropped images, and mere hints; These weekends are completely mine.

deep sea diver @ silverlake lounge tonight

Go. go. go. go. Jessica Dobson (aka Deep Sea Diver) plays first @ 9.30. Read a lovely interview in the OC Weekly, the first post tour with Beck write up. Also with So Many Wizards ( write up in the always great ) who will make it worth staying out late.  The Fling and Furcast will be filling the spots in between.  $ 8, 21+ , cash only bar,
So my brother was in town for whatever reason with a pregnant fiancée and a couple of Bay Area friends in tow. Plans were to meet up for lunch on Saturday and exchange xmas gifts. This was a minor crimp in visiting the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach as B and I originally planned. When he didn't call by 11am I knew that once again his self importance was going to screw my plans over. Sure I went along with new ETAs of 1pm, then 2:30, and finally 3pm at first, but within 10 minutes of the last push back I was annoyed enough to cancel on him. No it wasn't the pregnancy slowing them down, it was the shoe shopping at the Brea Mall that was more important than our lunch plans. grr. Now with the day opened up, this allowed time for lunch before heading down to the Aquarium and since this was B's first time to the city of Long Beach, she wasn't sure what to expect. Thanks to California Gold I explained what little I knew from the area surrounding the Queen Mary: the ol...