You see I like being that couple. The couple that meets one summer night in Silver Lake and falls in love despite living thousands of miles apart. It didn’t hurt that we shared the same mobile phone carrier. So I have been holding back telling you readers the conversations, the plans, the potential hi-jinks because the stories would be sappy in such a sickening way that a few of you will curl in disbelief and stomach propelled disgust. Yes it’s that sappy, and as this is my blog, my space, I plan on sharing some of them with you as time goes by. You don’t have to read them, you don’t have to like them; I really don’t care what you think to be honest. I’m happy. It has taken me many years of making mistakes, learning from them, and repeating them again to get to this point. In the past I’d placed myself in bad situations and took a few down with me. I’m sorry that I did. After my divorce I tried to act like I wasn’t the cold, fucked up asshole it (the process of divorce) made me into a...