
Showing posts from July, 2007

these are the days of my life

I bonded with bees last night. Hipsters bees buzzed buzz inside Spaceland: "...did you catch the last band? wow they, she was great!" spoken in bathroom hallways, and " amazing voice!" repeated three ways by one on the main floor. I couldn't agree more. ~~~ Tired of hiding the cigarette from myself in the little game of where did that come from? I find them a lot in my hands these days always sneaking up to my lips. Giving in to honesty: I'm smoking again. The first step to quitting. Again. ~~~ Noticed that brakes on ice cream trucks scream more than children. The bell tingles dingles as carts are pushed up my hill past couches and boys wasting summer evenings sitting on them. This is where I live. ~~ Things have been wacky and yet still happy as an unemployed person can be right without hearing the elevator operator call out "Basement: Desperation, Breaking Out In Hives, and Self Hating." Thankfully not there yet. The curse of being happy go...

now with less slacking

Being unemployed is not sexy. But it is liberating, yeah liberating. I was at wells fargo taking care of some legacy banking issues that I could've done years ago. Plenty of downtime spent sitting in an air conditioned bank was not a bad place to be that day. When the account setter-upper asked where I working I couldn't help but laugh at my answer: I'm not. Weird to be so open about it. Nothing to brag about but that's the new truth. Speaking of...I've shared too much real info lately; I've whittled down to real. Reasons range from I've done little of the going out stuff to feeling all my little non-real thoughts where just so trivial. music, infatuations. who cares. Well I do. For my new readers (KE? maybe...don't worry I have no idea who my lurkers are) and others welcome to my little imaginary world. This is not a diary though I do reveal parts of my life here, sometimes hidden, sometimes blunt and obvious. Mostly boring. For example... Skipped the M...


I just remembered this little rumor from my recent Bay Area trip and thought I'd share it. Earlier I posted about my future Vegas trip in late August for my Brother's 40th birthday and how many relatives where flying out for the event. Sadly one was unable to take leave from their military job for a couple reasons, one being that they might be needed if someone politically important dies that week. This person? Former President George H Bush Senior. Word is that he is being treated for something back East currently and is expected to be no longer of this mortal world in the next month or two. [my opinion ahead] While his ::administration:: was less evil then the current one, they still did invade Iraq first (though props for not occupying) , allowed the ultra conservative right gain more of a foothold after Reagan that enable the current administration to be elected, and a personal affront to me, ignored the AIDS epidemic nearly completely. what kind of administration hurts the...

Me and the LAPD

I heard a knock on my door this morning and answered it with coffee in hand. In front of me were two serious cops; in front of them was a guy wearing blue pajamas with a shirt adorned with three penguins and the words "Chill Out!" "We're responding to a report of screaming kids from your apartment." the one on the left informed me. His partner watchfully said nothing. Lefty specifically asked if there was any screaming inside my little place. "You mean screaming bloody murder type of screaming?" I specifically questioned. The partner had no reaction other to see his partner start to answer "no" before taking control of the conversation again. All I wanted was clarification; was it scream of a slow and painful death, I won the lottery, or I walked into a spider web type of screaming, not that I ever did the later. I thought it was a fair question and fortunately my shirt already put them in a tranquil place mentally so they took it at such. ...

a short recap

I had prepared answers and no asked questions the other night when shyness and doubt brought my streak to an end. Frustration that some parts of me might never shed . moving on... I've been well and incredibly thankful for family and friends this month. It could so much worse and it is for so many in this city. Piling clothes unwanted to donate to make room for new slacks and shirts in my closet. I'm lucky I can do this. So when they killed my product line and in turn my job (mfr: besides Sam they laid off Dr. A.. who you didn't know and Antonio -maybe more) due to the company slowdown (so many reasons I'm not going into) I lost my only connection to the internet. I was kind of proud of being offline on my downtime but when the whole day is your downtime one starts to go a little loopy after say day four. what to do, what to do? not cook for three days spend a day at the natural history museum stand in line at 7-11 kwik e mart (random kids for size comparison) say on...

current reality

A partridge family of upper management walks into the office which the absentee owner never uses. I haven't seen him in at least two months. The Office Manager calls me in and I allow her to sit first among the awaiting Director of Operations and Plant Supervisor. They look uncomfortable holding the table with downward stares. I chuckle at seeing two envelopes on the desk. "Oh this doesn't look good." I stand within the nervous laughter for a moment then take a seat with a smile. Yup. ten years, three moves (Bay Area to Central California to the City of Industry and finally to Gardena), three different owners and I hear words never spoken to me before: laid off So I ask you internet strangers if you happen to know of any leads that my product manager skill base might lend itself to, please let me know. While I would love to join with someone to fund a new vitamin related company (already mentioned to the couple individuals I know) I have to be realistic and be open t...
so um I won't be blogging for awhile. shit I don't know what the hell is going on right now. those who know, know why.

I'm in no hurry

I feel like smoke blown into a bubble. Traveling has wore me down, the nicotine I inserted into my brain does little to wake me from the daze that keeps music from cheering me up. I'm clinging to Swedish pop for a sugar rush but find it bland like flat soda. At shows this week I wonder where you are in your separate world. maybe NYC, maybe along some coastline. In my fantasy life you'd been my plus one at the wedding last week. Instead while reminiscing with old friends there were the questions I don't want to answer. Outside on the country club steps I was asked why I wasn't seeing anyone. "I'm just not." I replied. "What do you mean? I always thought we were just like each other; always having someone in our lives. We were never alone." I shrugged not able to explain away the last three or four years depending on how you define seeing someone. "Really?" "Yeah it's been a couple years." She thought that statement false an...

Spoon SF show

half tempted to make another turnaround trip for this: Sat July 14th Spoon @ Cafe De Nord in San Francisco $10! tix day of show only hmm ... a couple venues in LA have the 15th open. crosses fingers. I only recently got around to listening to Spoon so I can't tell you if the new album is better than their older stuff, but it's a wonderful album to speed down the 5 to like I did coming from the Bay Area last weekend. more on that later.

kiss or kill 4th bbq

Don't use this flyer as a guide to set times. A little bit of Kiss or Kill action at El Cid after work [Yes I'm working. Yes my company is lame - but I did have Monday off] and then I'll see you folks that I know at J's house later that night in EP for "...getting drunk, barbecuing, chair racing [down the street], domino-ing, breaking stuff, listening to soul music, doing the funky chicken, stumbling down to the lake for illegal fireworks, killing terrorists and civilians, claiming land in the name of manifest destiny and playing "i am a real american" by hulk hogan" . See you there! Posts from last year's party . Sadly my drunk audio blog (well the company that handled it) from that night went kaput. Anyhow enjoy your holiday, drive safe, blah blah blah.