I'm feeling low fi today
If you like low-fi stuff, you might like this video. (click on picture) Katie the Pest - this giant will kill you pointless weekend post here Sunday morning I ended my three day social adventure at six am; a trip bookmarked with a nervous drinking with faux fur lounging, and an all night party at a made up warehouse underneath a bridge. Sometimes I write this to say hey I was up all night, hey I was being all scenster as fuck at KorK, hey I’ve been in a mood and was called out on it. Sometimes I just want to forget the words mixed with gin soaked breath spoken to a stranger and remember that honest smile from idealistic lips I’ll never kiss. It has been said that I put up walls, that I shun help. "Wait, you don’t understand." I had to tell her to shut up for minute but I needed to make this clear. "I know I’m all sorts of fucked up." We kept talking only inches apart and I reached out to gently pull her eyelid up with my thumb as she continued with her sentence, ...