
Showing posts from January, 2004
I managed to post three or four times today on craigslist. Time to go home.
yum taco bell for lunch. I wish I can get paid to this. Come to think of it I am.
Still tired. Came home last night @ 6 and crashed on the couch. Getting up long enough for a little bit of American Idol before rolling into bed. I hate being so tired all the time. Work once was only two miles away, but now I commute at least a hour each way. A hour and a half drive is normal coming home. And it sounds a little like this: 110 to the 105 to the 605 to the 60 or 110 to the 91 to 57 to the 60. I've managed to find multiple city routes so it usually works out 50/50 freeway/streets. Wanted to see Midway at Café-Club Fais Do-Do , but I was tired and it was for a Howard Dean fundraiser, so there was no real point in going. He still might have a chance, but Kerry's hair is plowing through the polls. I look foward to this weekend when J+K come over. I'm so glad I'm not helping CB move into her new apartment.....I would help if I could of course, but I just spent last weekend painting the new place orange. Yes orange.. well actually Marmalade,...
I managed to crawl out of bed this morning with only three hours of sleep. Went and saw The Randies , Bang Sugar Bang , and The Dollyrots at Zen Sushi (Silverlake, CA) last night. Third time at Zen, and I haven't seen it this packed before. I imagine the air play the randies have been getting on KROQ lately had something to do with it. The DJ stryker (from KROQ) was suppose to be there and I think I saw him all prettied up, but could be wrong. Over the last couple months, I've met a couple members of the randies and can safely say they deserve all the success thrown at them. I'm happy to report that the crowd was 60/40 on the guy-girl ratio. Better than previous randie shows. Also Bang Sugar Bang...why aren't they signed yet. Seriously. The Dollyrots....full of spunk, and yes, Kelly really does have a high voice.