
Showing posts from May, 2007

this has nothing to do with my hair

Kiss Or Kill - Final show at Safari Sam's before moving to El Cid next week. This is either the best thing to restart the club or as how this second hand remark I heard succinctly put it: "No one goes anymore, the club is just about to limp off to El Cid and die." Well that's a positive attitude. Here's looking forward to new people, new bands and a new scene. with Chissum Worthington 9.30, Bobot Adrenaline 10.15, Porterville 11, The Randies 11.45, The Fizzies 12.30 ~~~ Pink Mochi @ the Silvelake Lounge Ai of Pink Mochi has another band called Chromosome Tea that used to play the "old" Kiss or Kill before taking a long break for various reasons. This will be their first show in a year. Chromosome Tea 9pm, Pink Mochi 10pm ~~~ Great Northern @ The Troubadour with Swedish band Loney, Dear GN playing the Prospector in Long Beach on Thursday btw

holiday is also a great pixie song

Photo by angex used under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Creative Commons license How was your holiday? You didn't ask so let me tell you: Gained a couple pounds and my hair did this weird thing this weekend where it would tweak out in unattractive ways. As I get older I've noticed that my hair does some very frustrating things: First it starts growing in weird places and in bushier amounts - Already have thick enough eyebrows thank you very much. Secondly I have to settle with the slow migration off the top of my head to my eyebrows then, I presume, a nice retirement home in Florida with a high bocce court to resident ratio. So this holiday my bad, tweaking thin hair and I ate out too much in between little trips in lovely LA. Saturday I went over to Hancock Park in the afternoon and took advantage of the LACMA free after 5pm bargain admission. My company and I were LACMA newbies so we wandered around haphazardly from hall to hall to get a good overview of the m...
Sigh. This post is very live journal-ish. Doing laundry at Lucy's does not equal getting out but on the upside the iced green tea made my head feel a little numb as I folded my clothes under the television novella I couldn't understand. Skipped Kiss or Kill and the killradio benefit at Mr. T's for a two hour phone call and a half watched LOST finale. We talked about June and upcoming shows in terms of having to dress up when so and so band plays because you know that paths will be crossed and you want to look your best. Started to think I want to say hello to social circle strangers. Maybe even a little more than that. what? I want this May funk to go away. June: Looker A NYC band I've liked for a few years now is playing LA and in particular Kiss or Kill on June 20th. I have Siria to thank for that. July: is when the lady bugs go away. August: my brother is turning 40 and he has a Vegas party already planned. Family and friends are flying in from across the country - ...

whales and sugar

I found this wonderful set on flickr today on a little town I used to live in. My last six months in the Bay Area I spent in the waterfront community of Crockett best known for the C & H Sugar Factory (C & H= California & Hawaii) sign seen to the East of the bridges of Hwy 80 connecting the East Bay with the Delta plains up to Sacramento and then Sierra foothills. The whales in the news this last week had to pass through this strait to leave the Bay to head up the Delta. Photo by Jeremy Brooks under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Paid $1,000 for a GIANT four bedroom flat and half of the six months lived alone for my first time. Two baths, garage, wood floors, an enormous stone layered fireplace all to my self; one room set aside as a future studio, another as an office. From one of the empty bedrooms I could see down into the main part of of the one stoplight/one gas station town past the factory as tanker ships slipped under the bridge peaks that poked ...

eggshell white if you're wondering

I never left my apartment this whole weekend, painting the bathroom with only my old laptop with an external 80gb drive of music as my sole company. The new Dollyrots album was one of many I gave a good listened to this weekend and the timing of their new video posting on youtube worked out perfectly since I have nothing else to write about. Well this is probably the weakest song on the album - but then again it was never meant to be taken seriously. Word is that they seriously tamed down the video - maybe not to piss off the lawyers of AI. The Dollyrots - Because I'm Awesome ( myspace ) ( link ) The Dollyrots (Kelly Ogden: Vox/Bass, Luis Cabezas: Guits/Vox, Chris Black: Drums) have been doing some catchy, god I hate to call it this, pop punk for the last five years in Los Angeles now. They used to play Kiss or Kill all the time but things change, stuff happened and so goes the nature of the club scene. I don't know the details but there is a track called Watch Me Go (Kiss...

long beach desires

Ok I get the good words about Force Field On I read yesterday afternoon. Good stuff even for what seem like an overly long set - this is only mentioned because I had hope that like *some* of other Prospector shows I've seen over the last couple years this one would start on time; my secret plan was to see The Happy Hollows , sneak out to Alex's Bar for Deep Sea Diver , make it back for New Fidelity , sacrificing the Soft Hands set which I can tell you was great since none of this panned out. So much for the imaginary world where I get everything I desire. The Happy Hollows at the Echo a few weeks ago - photo by Corey No reality wasn't that bad: I wore the wrong color pants and continue this weeks hefeweizen drinking spree to good music. Added benefit of listening in (they were yelling over the music) to the conversation next to me. During the break between Happy Hollows songs: Guy with prescription sunglasses: Wow Friend: Wow Friend: They're amazing GWPS: Yeah...

my guard is down

I'm trying to forget the last two weeks that I have trouble remembering. Made choices to stay local in the evenings and one day in the sun walking among plants and turtles of the LA Arboretum for the Garden Show. Walked the path to the back eventually picking out a bench near the waterfall to eat lunch as peacocks circled for a better look. Left with a plant from the Cal Poly booth and a little packet of heatstroke for the memories. Instead of Harbor Blvd. I stayed on Sunset last Wednesday laughing in chairs on Safari Sam's patio over the cuteness a friend has found themselves in. Seeing smiles makes me happy as did seeing one of my favorite bands She's Your Sister - always good. Overnight Lows played a flat set until the end when Jules sat down at the keyboards and sang one song and jumped off the stage for the last. It was discussed how great they can be when they remember what being a pop band means. Where was the snap? Where was the crackle? Caught the tail end of th...
5.03.07 - old draft I took a chance with her and spoke my recent secrets. One was about May 5th and how that still lingers, the other was where her questions eventually wandered. Already within my gate her curiosity to where my current interests laid was not unexpected. "Nowhere as far as I know," was my response and then added it was more fun to write about infatuations then to actually participate in them. "We both know how bad I am at it; the shyness, the step backward doubts of opening up. You've read my stuff to know this. You read about to what extent I over thought the simplest the DG situation." "Is that the one that didn't call you?" No and I didn't expect a response either. The very rare times I put myself out there, I'm realistic if anything. No this was way before that." So I tell the story again to new ears "You know how sappy I can be right?" "Yeah. And how I like to daydream about my fantasy...
my fingers ache. the joints ache. more later. Shows Tuesday Great Northern CD release show @ the Echo with Twilight Sleep and The Movies FREE Porterville @ Bordello (formerly Little Pedros) $5 with the Fizzies rumored to be back at kiss or kill soon - of course they're also playing with w/ Nous Non Plus at Safari Sam' on 5.25 (presented by The Fold) Hello Dragon @ Silverlake Lounge $8 Chris Zerby and Julie Chadwick are/were? the band Helicopter Helicopter - I remember meeting one of them when kork was back at the Echo and I was quite drunk. I honestly don't know which one though. Maybe both? Um, that has nothing to do with anything but I do like the new sound of their current project Hello Dragon. Also I know that Julie hosts the vegan happy hour & potluck at the Short Stop on Thursdays. That's cool. Wednesday: Kiss or Kill presents @ Safari Sam's ** Pu$y Cow 2yr Anniversary Show ** The Black Comets 9:30, Just added Beatmo 10.15, Pu$$y Cow 11:00, T...


Delta Spirit @ The Echo with Sparrow Love Crew , The Shys , Deep Sea Diver My schedule this month is in such a jumble that I can't go to this show mere blocks away from home. Sigh. Well if you're in EP tonight look for the fireworks after the Dodger game, say 10ish? wait is that tonight? missing LoveLikeFire at the sliverlake lounge too. blah. ~~~~~ There is now a presale for the Rentals July residency at Spaceland. Ticket sales start tomorrow (5.12) at noon at a reduced price of $15. 2 ticket limit - password: barcelona @ or 866.468.3399 ~~~~~~ blah - I have a hundred miles of rush hour driving to look forward to this evening. If you need me I'll be on the 5 and maybe the 405 for the heck of it on the way back. yay me.
5.02.07 - old draft. I have nothing. Spitting blanks and refreshing pages will not get you anywhere. I'm tired of these fake posts of last week. I give you videos. I give you listings for things I won't even attend. Somewhat honest, sometimes irrelevant, sometimes too many thoughts lately. I haven't been truthful with what I write here - so instead of opening up I close down. I give you videos. I give you listings for things I'm not even going to. one day I hope to tell you the same thing. Band: The Information from Boston Song: The Theft ( youtube link ) Download more songs at Why: I stopped trying to answer that question years ago. sometimes it just happens and I'm ok with that.

wed 5.9.07

Deep Sea Diver and the Slings = yay! My Pet Saddle 7.30, Slings 8.15, Deep Sea Diver 9.30 $5, all ages @ Plush Cafe + Lounge a cool internet cafe in lovely Fullerton. Kiss or Kill presents @ Safari Sam's $3/5 - all ages 9:30 pm - Clash City Rockers (An Early Clash Tribute Band), 10:15 pm - Overnight Lows (shut up. I like super pop) , 11:00 pm- The Rainman Suite, 11:45 pm - She's Your Sister (great chicago rock) , 12:30 am - RockPaperScissors Corey is going to: Death to Anders , Karabal Nightlife (I keep meaning to see them), Soft Hands (very good), Wake Up Incinerate at the Silverlake Lounge $10 21+
4.30.07 - old draft I had a sales rep in my office the other day pushing softgels since those are the things I like to buy in bulk. I don't like to buy office supplies. She was nice and sweet and talked about commutes and vacations and for a few minutes there I felt that I mattered. Realized how knowledgeable I am about what I do since I never talk shop with people outside of work these days. Heck I don't even talk to people at work anymore. No water cooler boils, no 7.45 am kaffeeklatsch anymore since the smart left long ago. Now I barely drink coffee Now I barely talk. This weekend was suppose to be no different. Went out three or four times during the week (8+ bands) and my free weekend shut in my apartment. Within minutes coming home on Friday I received an invite for late afternoon gelato with a friend. The first hour went by unnoticed. We laughed at the two hour mark. We didn't leave until they turned off the lights at closing at nearly four hours passing. How did tha...
It's not real. It's not real. Not real. Not real. First words spoken before my feet touched carpet. How did she managed to escape my daydreams, that hold of fantasies away from my everyday life? My nights are often blank and yet there I found her smiling. No, no and it was a good dream. A good dream of a simple hi and hello and awkward feet off the ground.

LA Garden Show - sat /sun

Instead of seeing any shows this weekend (does Sunday night count?) I'll be stopping by the LA Garden Show this weekend at The Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Gardens in lovely Fantasy Island Arcadia. I don't like to garden but I do like to dream of buying a house and having a cool landscape designer come in and create a miniature version of the Getty gardens for me. Something interesting, modern and unique. Good thing my friend Ashley is already part of cool landscape design firm with her talented mom and sister who just happen to also have designed a demonstration garden as part of the show. plug: Ketti - see flyer for more info Now I just need to win the lottery for a down payment on a house. From the LA Garden Show blurb: Learn how to design your garden some of from the best designers in Southern California, buy one-of-a-kind plants, shop at The Marketplace and meet well-know garden experts and authors. The ongoing demonstrations, entertainment and f...
I guess I'm taking a short break from posting. this normally means I'll end up posting five things tomorrow. many drafts - all boring stuff as usual. all I can say is that I actually had to stop reading certain blogs of strangers. sometimes I remember things again. not depressed - just reflecting On an up note... The Rentals @ Spaceland every Sat in July! Also #1 this random blog I found a few months ago amuses me in it's tone. Also #2 Tony Pierce has been blogging at a normal pace again. this makes me happy.

Kiss or Kill moving to El Cid

Kiss or Kill Venue Change Starting in June May will be our last month at Safari Sam's, as we move our weekly Kiss or Kill night to El Cid starting Weds. June 6th. We hope to see everyone come out & support our final weekly shows at Sam's! We have a great time at Safari Sam's & are leaving the door open to doing future one off events. They have been amazing host's & more importantly great friends. We want to get back to our roots & reaffirm the communal aspect of the club. We are excited to work with Tobin Shea again who inspired the initial concept behind Kiss or Kill at the Garage. Cover will remain the same, & the night will be 18+. We will be kicking off the night with a Kiss or Kill Homecoming Dance! With the Miss Kiss or Kill 07 pageant', the winner will win a bar tab & a guest starring role in the next Chissum Worthington Video! Details will be coming out soon... Kiss or Kill/Metal Skool Monday at the Key Club will still be the first M...