
Showing posts from June, 2008

what's not to like about this video?

THE BRIGHTON PORT AUTHORITY or just BPA (another Norman Cook aka Fatboy Slim side project) with vocals by David Byrne, who I love, and Dizzee Rascal, who I'm unfamiliar with. Oh and blacked box nekid people. Song is called Toe Jam and super catchy indeed. hat tip to moving in stereo for cluing me in on this.


These are notes from last year found while cleaning out my back up drive. Going up to the Bay Area for a wedding , posted more for my amusement than anything else - so much has changed... drive up listening to a mix cd ida maria sounds like bjork (not really) Corey trying to catch flies in a paper bag they were picked up at junction 41, my half way point found the karabal nightlife album gets better after track three this sounds like they were hanging out with the happy hollows I like this and I only thought of Txxx once. the last wedding was months after the last separation and I asked her to go out of courtesy though not Cxxxx my brother had dinner and his house is the bachelor pad any guy would want. leather couches, big screen, a glowing faucet bartending lessons, cooking lessons paid off in a great dinner and spot on mixed drinks then Monica’s for bit got a haircut went to Kohls for undershirts i needed mom time country club wedding and read on Sonia lj that a old friend was wai...

bad news

So if you haven't heard...the Star Trek Experience ride located at the Las Vegas Hilton is rumored to be closing this year. Oh the memories of over priced bad acting and an outdated simulator ride. I had a lot of fun doing it of course, but then again I'm bit of ST nerd. Yeah that's right. For your amusement - a well done ST TNG rap ( NSFW without headphones ) Oh and I found out yesterday that the LA office is being closed this week, meaning I'm job searching again... didn't this just happen to me last year? Yes. Yes it did . Yay go me. Hands down this was the best job/office I've ever worked at and as I can't go into details all I can say is that thankfully the Co-owner is handling the situation with grace and compassion. Oh well, that's business for you. Puts a damper on on the other good things going on that I promised, yet failed to write about. They're still happening just with slight modifications. more later.
At the not so secret Beck show down the block from me at the Echo: Oh that would be Jessica Dobson of Deep Sea Diver playing the guitar. So, so happy for her when I heard about this last month. Beck has a reputation for working with great musicians in his band and she's crazy talented. Sadly I didn't hear about the show until a hour after the fact of course. yay go me. Multimedia content via Michael Lambie , under Creative Commons license . Hat tip to LAist for posting this first.


This morning I leaned into the front of corner of my car and created a nice little dent. "Damn it. Why am I not surprised?" I commented to the week I've had; the dent was just one more thing. I slammed a closed fist on the top edge of the car and out pops the indentation. Story of my life I thought or at least hoped it was. I can handle this. I can handle this week. Turning I see the LA skyline and this creates a little grin. Yeah I can handle this place.