
Showing posts from April, 2008

Chalk it up

Sometimes I hate my job when it has me here late at night eating pretzels and brewing strong tea to stay awake. I'll end up missing a show because I'm just too worn out to deal with traffic/parking/late set times/evil chipmunks/etc. It's hit or miss if find myself in a club for a band on those nights anyhow; either grumping at every mistaken note played, still bitter when the bartender holds up eight fingers for a weak whiskey and coke. So I don't go. After watching this live clip of ROBOTANISTS I regret making that kind of choice, which is what happened for their LA show last month. (The music starts a minute into the clip, as the band is reacting to the live web feedback between songs) Check out more clips from this show from DeepRockDrive on ROBOTANISTS next show: 5.19.08 for Blue Comet Cafe (Private Show - Video Shoot) @ Temple Bar Email to join this free Hi-Def filming for

A big difference 5 months make

I honestly don't know how people enjoy living in snow. Late December - dead frozen leaves Late April - new leaves about to bud I have a bunch of photos on flickr but they still need to cropped and stuff with more to upload.

Hello from Michigan

There is nothing better after a long flight than to be greeted by a super cute girl with a hug, a kiss, a bottle of Vernors ginger soda . This stuff is a highly spiced ginger ale that will make a person unaccustomed to that first whiff start coughing much like an untrained smoker. It's potent stuff. Last time I was here I was catching snow flakes in my mouth and braving 10 inches of snow. Today birds are chirping, trees are budding, and I'm with my girl again.

Hello from Denver

Obviously I didn't take this picture, but it's pretty close to what I saw. If I had a camera you would be seeing pictures of the Grand Canyon and the snow peaked Rockies. For some reason I've missed the Grand Canyon all the times I've flown back east so I was taken aback a bit by how frigging big it was. I have nothing really to say expect flying Frontier was without hassle and their cutesy animal theme pictures plastered on the tail is also applied to the winglets. nice touch. Oh and everyone in Denver looks like they jumped out of a LL Bean or REI catalog. that's a little weird.

Midway one off show Tues 4.15.08

Midway @ Mr. T's Bowl in Highland Park Tuesday 4.15.08, 21+, FREE The Beeters, MIDWAY (@10 or 11pm) Avangaad (U.K.) Vaudeville LovelyBones New singer, long time fan Jonna Mae (sp?) will be fronting this crazy ship of fools for a I have no idea and I don't care why 'cause I'm excited show at Mr. T's Bowl tomorrow night. Did I mentioned I'm excited? Maybe not so one off?

Calamity Magnet

Calamity Magnet EP Release Show @ The Viper Room, Monday 4.14.08 I've been a big fan of Sara Radle and her various musical line-ups (Lucy Loves Schroeder, Sara Radle and Her Band, and her current gig as part of the reformed Rentals) for a few years now. Now that my workload has settled down enough to go out on a Monday night, I'm a bit excited to catch her new project Calamity Magnet. This new band borrows a couple members of Justin Reiner's (popbandAlice) Loverlee project to create a melding of "the world of indie-pop with girl group harmonies of the sixties, adding a hint of country flavor and the occasional peek at a Beatles influence." (myspace bio) Calamity Magnet EP Release Indie 103.1 Check One... Two presents @ Viper Room Free w/ rsvp (or $10), $3 dewars, 21+ Mike Krum @ 9pm , Let’s Go Sailing @ 10pm, Calamity Magnet @ 11:00pm, The Happy Casualties @ 12am
So I made it to SFO last night just before midnight, slightly off our scheduled landing of 10.20. At least it wasn't canceled nor did I have to spend 10 hours re-booking flights like the couple next me. Now I'm chancing my flight to Michigan next week as I board a different airline that just declared bankruptcy this morning . I sure know how to pick them. Anyhoogie, I 'm going to finish drinking my margarita as we celebrate my mom's 68th(!) birthday. Drunken piñata smashing to follow.

Rob Z's Beatnik Bonanza Tonight!

As I finish my laundry, pack my suitcases, and start to hella worry about my Thrusday flight to SF to be canceled at any moment (thanks American Airlines) , you might want to skip to El Cid, trip down the stairs, and catch the Rob Z's Beatnik Bonanza. The time is nearly upon us for... ROB Z'S BEATNIK BONANZA Wed. April 9th @ el cid, probably 21+ , FREE Are you sick of the same ol' rock show? well get a load of this. i bring to you an entire evening dedicated to the spirit of THE BEAT GENERATION. So break out your black sweaters and your berets and get ready for the BEATNIK BONANZA. We kick our night off with the audio/visual artistry of THE MOSCOW COUP ATTEMPT Then next up is a cavalcade of stars performing improv instrumentations and spoken word with THE BEATNIK BANDITS POETRY EXPERIMENT featuring... THE BANDITS: JON RYGGY(UNDERWATER CITY PEOPLE) FLACO(PU$$Y-COW) EMILY WEBBER(MIDWAY, IDENTITY THEFT) VINCE MARTINEZ(PRESENT TENSE) THE POETS: (in alphabetical order) TIFFANY ...

Shower Thoughts, Episode 2

Shower Thoughts is a collection of random memories that come to visit between the turn of faucets and the pull of the curtain. There is no Coney Island ferry. I thought of the summer of 79 walking along the Coney Island stands in summer shorts and knee high tube socks. We had the summer months to explore my dad's stomping grounds, visit statues, visit museums, ride the yellow cabs, the Staten Island ferry and visit cousins that magically appeared into my 7 year world. As I ate my hot dog hanging off the tail of my right arm, the left grasped onto my dads leading the pack of us towards an oyster bar. I'm sure they served other fishy things but blue letters spelled out OYSTER with with a double stroke white outline. A ketchup and mustard only dog was fine for me. “Just ketchup, just mustard.” I had whispered into my dad's ear. The man at one of the shiny carts pulled out in a gush steam a dog and placed into the open paper square with a quick slab of ketchup, a dashing s...

little birdie says tweet

The last few months: Bad timing, bad connections = missed shows This week: perfect timing. thank you little birdie Deep Sea Diver aka Jessica Dobson @ Alex's Bar in Long Beach Thurs 4.3.08 21+ .. $3 or $5 or $? with this evening there will be THUNDER & LIGHTENING & Automatic Year Oh I should mention that she's looking for bandmates

jury duty today = sadly not a joke

Made it in line behind this guy: not posting this to be mean or to make fun. I kind of want it. Makes me feel a little like I'm half assing it in my love of trek. Oh well its almost 11 and they haven't even called up the first group of people. Maybe my plan to schedule it on a week with a holiday might pay off. Well it's one less day of potentially getting called up. I want. I want to get paid for this but that's not happening I found out this morning. My company is pretty cool but they can be cheap skates about a lot of things. First they pay 100% of my medical insurance [yay], but nothing for dental [boo]. I've priced out insurance at my former job and to include dental is such a minimal addition, to not include is just being cheap. Not surprising jury duty isn't paid yet as I vented to my boss that I would rather be at work than serving, he spouted off how serving is important part of this society we all live in. Important does not pay the bills while com...