I want to say hi

just a lot on my mind. overslept....didn't get out of bed until 6.30 am...alarm set for an hour earlier. The drive was long enough to listen to the album twice. Saw the singer Kelly last night, so it inspired this morning's soundtrack.

Why do I have five pens on my desk?

Overslept because I went to see Underwater City People, Get Set Go, and the amazing Bang Sugar Bang at Mr T's Bowl last night. Sang out loud to BSB even though my voice hasn't fully come back yet.

Yes, I know I can't sing..no need to comment on that.

I hate being sick, but love the fact that my voice goes out completely at least twice a year. Once it was gone for almost two weeks many years ago, only because I was working box office and had to talk. Didn't help that I smoked back then and reds on top of that. Saw people I wanted to see and said hi, and some that I have yet to talk to yet


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