October.Best.Month.Ever #1: Gemma Hayes

If you have been keeping track over the years you would know that I love the music of Gemma Hayes (myspace / website).

You might also remember that despite our best attempts to enjoy an actual show by Ms. Hayes during the last set of local gigs back in 2005, she remained an elusive artist to capture on a stage at the same time we were in same venue. Chalk it up to dates working against my schedule and a gig or two canceled at the last minute.

So you could imagine why this makes my October Best Month Ever list:

Gemma makes a welcome, low-key return to playing live with a weekly residency at the Hotel Cafe in Los Angeles in October.

She will be playing there Tuesday 9th, 16th, & 23rd October at 8pm, and at 9pm on Tuesday 30th October.

[Nov 6th is penciled in at the Hotel Cafe site]

New songs, new album being shopped around, and four shows at only 10 bucks each. These are not full band shows I hear, just her and an additional guitarist in a great, small venue.

A little info about Gemma from my 2005 post here.

A few videos of some lovely songs:


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