Kiss or Kill - podcasting, Knitting Factory show 5.6.05

Tonight (4.26) is a great line-up at Kiss or Kill wtih the Powerchords, Underwater City People, Rainman Suite, The Randies and the addicting King Cheetah.

18 an up and only 3 bucks, at the Echo. There might be smurfs too.

Fri. May 6th - Kiss or Kill Compilation CD release party!!!

All Ages!! --- 14 Bands: Bang Sugar Bang, Midway, The King Cheetah, The Letter Openers, Silver Needle, Underwater City People, The Randies, The OAOT's, The Knives, Billion Stars, The Waking Hours, Rainman Suite, Bobot Adrenaline, Chromosome Tea ---- 2 Stages ---- $5 cover and get a free KorK Comp.CD

They are expecting @ 1000 people. You're cool, you'll be there.

Podcasting via Buzzplay
Maybe you're one of the 10% of iPod owners who actually use an mp3 aggreagator for podcasts. Even if you don't know what an mp3 aggreagator is or own an iPod, you still can download podcasts (they're just large mp3 files) and use any mp3 player (iTunes, real, winamp, media player. So there is no excuse not to listen to the Kiss Or Kill Podcasts offerered for free from Buzz

click to start.

These are weekly 30 minute segments featuring music and interviews of bands from the Kiss or Kill scene. Saves you a lot of time from going to each bandsite looking for music samples.

I don't even own an iPod so I'm with other 90 Percenters who have to download the old fashion "save target as/right click and save" way.

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