Avoiding sleep still

Instead of being at her show Saturday I was on Hollywood Blvd at Tiny's k.o. having drinks and eating birthday cake of a friend barely an hour after completing the long drive from the Bay Area.
Well worth the fun trip though:

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't two timing my lunch with thoughts of Zachary's, Fat Slice or heck even Blondie's pizza just mere miles away but I was with friends that meant a little more than that.

What else? Lombard St, Coit Tower, half price at SF MOMA, dinner at Herbivore, ice cream at Maggie Mudds, and lastly a panoramic night view from atop Twin Peaks. This stop was also my first use the Decaux public
Now the SF ones have been there for a few years, free to the public in high touristy spots, and it became obvious to us that they quickly separate the evolved from the retarded. How it works is simple: Press button to open door - use bathroom - door closes after you leave and structure self cleans - repeat. On two occasions we witnessed the later group try to interact with this simple concept of the self cleaning restroom and fail.

First was the drunk lady we first spotted dancing in the parking lot besides a music pumping sedan that would not wait for S to fully exit before barging in fully ignoring our warnings that she was going to be locked in and showered with high pressure nozzles. Sadly we we were wrong.
Second was the douche bag who threatened J with a totally BS remark of possibly having a gun when he was inside and then said some additional crap to J outside as he too explain the self cleaning concept to the lame ass. As we drove off we just had to roll down the window and yell at him for being such a retard: The douche had his arm blocking the door from closing so his skanky girlfriend cloud make use of the facilities without being hosed down with the magic bubble action J warned them about. All he could do is yell back some bad words and flip us off with his one free hand.
And we laughed all the way down the hill about that.
the end.
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