weekend revisions

Friday: I fell asleep on the couch around 8pm
Friday: She smiled. Of course she smiled; she understood that I wanted to be liked and a smile was a warm acknowledgment universally understood. I stuck my hand out as a joist to her opening embrace without thinking. Not only did this stop her advance but confused her enough with an upper body step back that her lower portion did not follow. My guard was up. Fuck!

Saturday: Cleaned out my refrigerator, went to the LACMA alone, picked up Corey for some Tito Tacos.
Saturday: I skipped into the elevator, swung to my left past the stranger controlling the buttons by his default location to land against the far end of the stainless steel box. The man looked back to me as the doors started to close. I said hi. I think he was waiting for me to call out a floor but I noticed the glowing ring around the P before his purple shirt and dark black wool slacks. His belt was that twisted leather strap kind found in Macy's or with that gold coated buckle possibly Pennys. It obvious that we shared destinations if not also a love for junior mints and spicy pierogies (I'm just guessing on the latter) but the fact that I boarded on the upper floor of a two story building ensured my initial silence.

Sunday: I stayed in all day listening to music, falling asleep with my headphones on.
Sunday: She spoke (ins Deutsch) in blocks of words that I tried carving away to her true intentions. Eventually I managed to get over myself.

Artist: Kitty Hoff

Underwater City People 9pm, Metal Skool (ugh) @ Key Club
Thailand, I Make This Sound, Coco B’s, The Breakup Brendas
free at the Silverlake Lounge


The Randies (9.30), Conquistador, Girl in a Coma, Teaneck
@ (Ruby Tuesday) the Key Club


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