It was a good night

Made it out to the Echo for the Kiss or Kill 2005 kick off, but didn't show up up 11pm due to the new roommate moving in. Missed the Knives and the Letter Openers, but not the great sing-along to Midway, Silver Needle (great as always) and Bang Sugar Bang playing a new song for a recently departed friend.

During BSB, someone got pushed back towards me and their head slammed right into my cheek. Hard. If it had hit my nose it might have broken I thought later. No bruise this morning, but it frigging hurt I tell you!

Talked to a couple people for the first time. Nothing major, just trying to keep my new years resolution for meeting more of the people I see at KorK. Also thanked Kelly-rot (singer for the dollyrots) for the postcard sent out from their last tour. I'm not sure if she even knows my name...I don't think I told her.

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