strange timing
[start dear live journal entry]
I don't want to work - I just want to write today. My heart pings with pricks of pain today (an ongoing stress problem) with back and forth emails regarding my previous rental deposit. I'm losing a lot of it due to my ex-roommate's inability to not break things during my last trip up to the Bay Area. grr
I have to work on Saturday or I won't be paid for the day after Thanksgiving.
Another email says there's an open QA position at a company in Torrance...
[end dear live journal entry]
I don't want to work - I just want to write today. My heart pings with pricks of pain today (an ongoing stress problem) with back and forth emails regarding my previous rental deposit. I'm losing a lot of it due to my ex-roommate's inability to not break things during my last trip up to the Bay Area. grr
I have to work on Saturday or I won't be paid for the day after Thanksgiving.
Another email says there's an open QA position at a company in Torrance...
[end dear live journal entry]
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