Sigh. This post is very live journal-ish.

Doing laundry at Lucy's does not equal getting out but on the upside the iced green tea made my head feel a little numb as I folded my clothes under the television novella I couldn't understand.

Skipped Kiss or Kill and the killradio benefit at Mr. T's for a two hour phone call and a half watched LOST finale. We talked about June and upcoming shows in terms of having to dress up when so and so band plays because you know that paths will be crossed and you want to look your best. Started to think I want to say hello to social circle strangers. Maybe even a little more than that. what?

I want this May funk to go away.

June: Looker A NYC band I've liked for a few years now is playing LA and in particular Kiss or Kill on June 20th. I have Siria to thank for that.

July: is when the lady bugs go away.

August: my brother is turning 40 and he has a Vegas party already planned. Family and friends are flying in from across the country - The Bay Area (duh), Rhode Island, NYC, and San Diego. I get to drive alone. yay. Already worried as to how to afford gambling + drinking + eating out for four straight days but at thankfully my brother is covering the 3 nights at Mandalay Bay and a giant dinner party at some steakhouse.

Now which bands can I get to play the Double Down that weekend?

Two weeks before that is the Star Trek convention - yeah shut up - but I'm sorry M I don't think I can pull Vegas off twice in one month. The only conventions I attend are the Natural Product Expos and such for work and those are terribly boring. This would be so blog worthy.

Sigh. At this point I would want to be anything worthy.

stupid eeyore me.


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