Is there some cosmic clusterfuck someone forgot to tell me about?
Seems to be a crazy week for a lot of people I know and those I do via their blogs. So far there have been break-ups, letdowns, hit and runs, calls dropped, no replies, get a hints, and spontaneous combustion of automobiles. As for me, I’ve been a little bent about things if you haven’t noticed and thankful for the weekend showing up right about now. The more bent I am the mo’ drunky I’ll be this weekend and there’s nothing wrong with that.
It hasn’t been all gloomy this week, the following little moment cheered me up greatly:
Wednesday night Ashley came out to drink underneath the cool holiday lights she gave me for xmas and do the usual chatting about how conversations are like puddles, and other random drunk topics. Before debating the need for contrived story endings, a trip to Albertsons was required for the requisite cheap wine, and assorted things I was lacking in the kitchen. In the upper crust drunky aisle Ashley grabbed a merlot from Red Bicyclette base purely on the label, then we headed over to the spice aisle for some pepper. As I was reaching down for a can of pepper this girl zips in to pick up some for her own needs. Thinking her a little cute I turned to Ashley and made the she's cute face on the way out to checkout line, mouthing it at the same time.
From my view from the line I noticed pepper girl was walking away from her cart back into the spice aisle. The floor of the cart was already filled with at least seven large containers of salt.
"Look. What do you think she needs all that salt for?"
Ashley looks over just as the girl comes out with arms folded, overflowing with multiple canisters of pepper.
"I want to ask her if she needs it for a science project or something."
"Yeah I think you should," Ashley jokes.
"Yeah I could do it like a pick up line:
Hey there, I see that we both have a love of sodium in common."
Oh how we laughed and laughed about this for about 30 seconds.
Seems to be a crazy week for a lot of people I know and those I do via their blogs. So far there have been break-ups, letdowns, hit and runs, calls dropped, no replies, get a hints, and spontaneous combustion of automobiles. As for me, I’ve been a little bent about things if you haven’t noticed and thankful for the weekend showing up right about now. The more bent I am the mo’ drunky I’ll be this weekend and there’s nothing wrong with that.
It hasn’t been all gloomy this week, the following little moment cheered me up greatly:

From my view from the line I noticed pepper girl was walking away from her cart back into the spice aisle. The floor of the cart was already filled with at least seven large containers of salt.
"Look. What do you think she needs all that salt for?"
Ashley looks over just as the girl comes out with arms folded, overflowing with multiple canisters of pepper.
"I want to ask her if she needs it for a science project or something."
"Yeah I think you should," Ashley jokes.
"Yeah I could do it like a pick up line:
Hey there, I see that we both have a love of sodium in common."
Oh how we laughed and laughed about this for about 30 seconds.
I think the science reference might have gone straight over her head... It did over mine (although I seem to be very good at solving molecular equations)
ReplyDeleteThe week has been a long one but I am glad to see you in better spirits- have a wonderful weekend.
oh and by the way:
ReplyDeleteIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurtsIt hurts