Ben might still be dead

If you're having trouble placing that name, let me help. Darby Romeo was the creator of a highly influential 90's Los Angeles based 'zine called Ben is Dead. It's also possible you might remember the "I Hate Brenda" newsletter (book?) about one of television show 90210's main characters. That was her too.
Now this might mean nothing to you, fall into the the what ever happen to category or for some people, that zine changed my direction in life classification. I know Joe fits the latter but like most things I was an merely an aware bystander (usually inside Tower Records) to my friend's obsession reading Ben is Dead.
From my understanding she closed shop many years ago and moved to Hawaii to surf and decide that 2007 would be a good time to start writing something again.
From Darby's Romeo's myspace:
- Come check us out at Coconut Girl Wireless Tropical enlightenment ...
between sessions. Mix music, culture, health, environment, politics with a strong Pina Colada and fresh seared ahi and waves off-shore, double overhead. From some island wahines and creator of Ben Is Dead Magazine, Retro Hell: Life in the 70s & 80s from Afros to Zotz, UCLA's Arts Library Darby Romeo Collection of Zines, Killzine: Socially F*cking Retarded, I Hate Brenda Newsletter (r these things to be proud of? why not!). Come play; the water's nice and salty...and my bikini just won't stay on!.... xo
*Darby's sister and occasional contributor to Ben is Dead
Hey Robert_Dean! My sis told me bout ur blog linkage - mucho mahalo. It's only been up...oh, one month anniversary! But workin it. Twas nicetameetcha in LA last time was visiting. Hope to see the Kiss or Kill crew when I come back play this summer.xoc-grrrl darby p.s. Prefab Sprout! I loved that sappyass shit!