Easter - what is it good for?

I wanted to post this before Easter but between feeling tired last week and with a half day on Friday I just plain old didn't care to post anything.

Gram Rabbit - Bloody Bunnies (video link)

(I'm happy this band has picked up traction over the years since Corey, CB and I went to check out Midway at the Scene way back in 2003 and GR happened to be the first band on. It was an original cracked out musical experience. If I ever did Meth (which I wouldn't of course) this is the band I would want to be in.)

Anyhow I know this is stupid but has Easter always included conning little kids into the belief of the Easter Bunny as a Santa like figure?

So I was chatting with my Mom and questioned if one was suppose to play the Santa role and give gifts ever year as I never remembered that from my childhood.

She paused for an extended minute before answering, "Where do you think all those stuff animals came from? Skunky? That skunk you carried around for years and that turtle...with the jeans and pockets? And who did you think hid the eggs out in the backyard or left the basket outside your bedroom door?"

"Well you did. It was more of a birthday party set up than a surprise Mom. Like, come out and open your basket of crap *we* got you. Come out and play this party game where you search for the eggs that you colored the day before. The Easter Bunny didn't color those eggs Mom, I did. Right?"

I could hear my mom's eyes rolled back and then clank down like a crapped out slot machine line where only one of the symbols was centered.

"Um that's not what you use to think."


"Bobby Dean, you believed in the Easter Bunny longer than you did in Santa."


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