Near Misses (yikes), Ryan Adams (hate), Midway (love)

I was driving alongside this red Blazer Sunday night when the driver jerks over into my lane oblivious and without reason. I might have shouted "Fuck!" and definitely yelled “Son of a Bitch!!” as I swerved my front end too quickly to the left to avoid the A-Hole and I over compensate. Now my car starts to slightly fish tail and I can see the concrete median with the reflective flaps out of the corner of my eye. I noticed the double yellow lines of the carpool lane move under my hood and I smell burning rubber as the back tires start to skid. I thought, "Whoa, I should probably start to control this" as I tried to straighten out and quickly realizing that I had just turned the steering wheel in the wrong direction. I change course and correctly turned into the skid, slowly pressing on the brakes. I was seriously freaked out by those 20 seconds, the other cars were freaked out, and that A-Hole was smoking and didn't dare look over to me as I drove past him. I made it home and had chili dogs and a Pepsi for dinner.


Ryan Adams - Just can't get into him or his music. I don't actually hate it and he's good, but here I'm listening and listening and nothing is happening for me. Maybe it was that Oasis cover on heavy rotation at Indie 103 that somehow killed it for me. I’m just that way with bands/musicians at first listen, but I’ll give it and some bands I won’t mention a second or third chance before saying I dislike them outright.


Tonight I will be standing up against the stage for Midway at Kiss or Kill. Watch in horror as I sing along. It's the only band I do it for and I will bring extra ear plugs to block my voice out for you, just come up and ask. They should sell earplugs there, but that wouldn't be the Kiss or Kill way.

Come on down its only 3 bucks, 18 and tons-o-fun. Start it off at 9.30 with Atomic Missiles (file under the Clash), Nutra (Devo-ish), Bobot Adrenaline (love it), Midway (yum) and the Underwater City People (cool)

Have a good day/night (insert stupid comment here, I ran out of ideas)

Currently listening:
Arular By M.I.A.
Release date: By 22 March, 2005



  1. Anonymous3:11 PM

    That happened to me a year ago last May... well guy drove into me cause a truck hadn't properly packet his cargo, so thing fell into other guys lane... guy decided it seems more comfortable where my car is than where the new street debris is... sends my car out of control and into the median, smash, cars drive off... burning air bag smell, I am in daze, traffic is rushing past and I'm still sort of in the fast lane... but my brain is going very slow...

    luckily nothing happened much besides having to gain my mom's old car and a scar on my boob


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