Sheepish smiles

Gardena to Glendale, normally 35-45 minutes at 4.30pm, but with rain just a tad under 1.5 hrs. Grr.

Dinner at in Glendale which had a nice atmosphere. My club sandwich could've used more turkey, esp. non- dried out turkey, but the other sandwich components were excellent. Just a bad turkey day I guess.

The great debate Headed over to the Galleria for some Apple loving and debated if it was worth spending 50 bucks more for the 20bg vs. a green 6b iPod mini. I'm all for the 20 (heck I need a 60bg) and Cort thinks of it as wasted space/wasted money. Its not like it's the difference between a 32" and a 35" television, I tried to reason. She claimed she doesn't have that much music, I counter with a "yet". But what it comes down to is that she wants a green one (she loves lime green; her VW Beetle, clothes, everything) and 6 gbs is plenty, simple as that. The more space the better for me since I add 5-10 songs at least to my iTunes each week.

Kiss or Kill was bumped down to the ExPlex below the Echo just for this week. Not much is held in this building as far as I know, but it has great potential space-wise. I wonder what they have planned for this place in the long run. The lineup was Silver Needle, the Randies, Bobot Adrenaline, and the Ebbs. Stayed until the end of Visqueen's set which I really enjoyed. Ronnie Barnett, the bass player for has been on tour with them (this being their last stop). Good stuff and worth checking out.

People were in good spirits despite the rain. Had a tequila shot from a squirt gun.

It was a sheepish smile type of night.

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  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I grew up studying graphic design, so I know exactly what a whore I am for nice packaging... and Mac & Ipod knows how convincing that is... but if I were in your possition...

    at the same time... I had WELL over 70GB of music on my external hard drive (before it died... and don't even remind me... it is just too sad) and I still had tons of CDs that were waiting to be added... plus I'm a download pirate... I'd go for utilitarian on that one.

  2. I'm sorry for your loss of your HD. That hella sucks.

    I only have 13 gbs on this comp at work, and I back them up to disk every so often. Can't imagine backing up 70 easier to mirror it onto another drive.

    Funny- this is the night that I first met your sister, sort of. We just said hi in passing, doubt she remembers it.

    you know I would remember meeting people cough cough the first time cough cough


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