Grandma's Boy
It's no Harold and Kumar go to White Castle (Hello, riding the Jaguar and coke snorting Doogie?), but silly fun with a couple decent of moments of absurdity after a weak beginning and a medium strength ending.
Basically a simple plot of a 36 yr old game tester taking up his grandma offer for a room to stay in after getting evicted. He smokes a lot of pot. He gets the girl. Grandma gets baked. There's Grandma sex and everything will be alright in the end thanks to pot. Should mention the little sub plot about a Neo from Matrix wannabe, real genius, game designer who slips into robot mode as a self defense mechanism which is amusing and I loved the High-deas (termed coined by of the pot dealer in his quest for home security.
Good for: Renting, smoking pot to, and not a total waste of time while sober.
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