NYC bands on myspace

These are a bunch of bands that I've been watching from afar since last year and didn't noticed that they were on myspace now.

Those East Coasters are lagging behind the West Coast bands in regard of Myspace, but are slowly catching up, which is good for everyone.

Most of them haven't made it out to Los Angeles yet as far as I know, save for the IO's, but they were playing a crazy 6 or 8 PM early show at the Alternit early last year, and I couldn't make it.

Most of it is indie pop, the last two more indie rock, so if you like, you like.

More to come.
The Hong Kong
The Hong Kong on Myspace
The Hong Kong website

The IO's
The IO's on Myspace
The IO's website

Man in Gray
Man in Gray on Myspace
Man in Gray website

Looker on Myspace
Looker website


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