I'm busy right now

My job is getting in the way of posting, but I should have some stuff this afternoon if anyone cares.

Oh stupid end of month, stupid got to pay bills, stupid work.

Also, if you have been reading the comments on the last post, our friend did call in and was making her way up to Ohio.

Also x2 I had a good weekend, how was yours?

Also x3. M. recommends this Bay Area band The Catholic Comb playing tonight at The Viper Room.

They sound like old Cure, but call it more "bubble gum goth" themselves.

Indie 103.1 and Filter Magazine Presents: The Bellrays, The Catholic Comb, and Front Row For The Meltdown.

Front Row For The Meltdown features the ex drummer from Social D. and I heard they were great at the 8.23 Kiss or Kill).

9/12/2005 8:00 PM - The Viper Room - 8852 Sunset Blvd, Hollywood, CA 90069 $10.00


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