sad, so sad

I fell asleep by 8 PM last night, original plans falling apart, back up plans skipped. I'm not feeling well at all today.

This sucks. I was looking forward to Kiss or Kill tonight, a nap and OTC drugs might be enough to drive me back out to Zen, but we'll see. Or I'll guys don't care.

The King Cheetah 9:30 The Invisible Humans 10:10
Sounds of Asteroth 10:50
Soda and His Million Piece Band 11:30 The Atomic Missiles 12:10
= all great bands + good pull too = fun crowd, fun night.

So sad about last night not working out. I know I would've made a complete fool out of myself and there would've been pictures too!


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    shit yo! that is like the most honest thing i have ever since written on this blog. whoever the hell angrysquaw is, I think i love you.

  2. Hmm this is what happens when new friends met old friends.

    I'm not saying I'm not a slut for attention. Damn I love attention!

    But that isn't what I meant when I wrote that. See new post that I was already working on.

  3. I cool with you saying these things. Sometimes I am feeling sorry for myself, and I have been lately. I try not post about it unless I make it clear that I'm the only one responsible for the situation I'm in. My message to you was all bitching though and I know how you are cough *blunt* cough. ;)

    I'm not mad at all about this (why would I be?). Just wanted to make clear that I wasn't looking for pity in this post. I should've clarified what I meant it the first time.


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