I don't know about tonight

Tonight Kiss or Kill will be at Spaceland.

Parking will suck.

Great line up with Pu$$y Cow, Bang Sugar Bang, So Unloved. The last two using this as their tour kick off with the Addicts. I think the tour starts tomorrow at the House of Blues. I don't know anything, so you can check that somewhere if you care.

I don't think I'm going tonight - throat is killing me, have to replace the brake pads on my car. Maybe I should get a flu shot this year. Being sick = sucks.

I have to laugh at myself today for being so predictable. If I get everything done and drug myself up I'll probably go. Bands and people to see and such.

All very pointless thoughts today.

Happy thoughts to escape the reality of the %$%#*^ server which is acting up. When the Corprate Enterprise edition of Norton Antivirus is not working on your server, you (I) might want to be a little worried. Hmm the clients seem fine.

Oh I hate my job today. Stupid meth head f**k in the other building is starting smack with me and the owner. My so called "assistant" is no where to be found = blowing said meth head in a closet or something.

I wish I was making this up.

Happy thoughts, Robert, happy thoughts.

Bunnies, and cotton candy, and a large roll of warm sourdough french bread, maybe I'll talk to so and so tonight, and a Phillys Best is opening down the street from my house very soon.

Just not soon enough.


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